Tag Archive for: Struggle

Grief can be overpowering
At Startpoint Counselling, we understand how grief and loss can feel overwhelming to many people…

Often failure in life is blamed on a lack of willpower. There is, however, increasing evidence that what you “see” happening is what is holding you back.

Our experiences with our caregivers create within us the means by which we understand the world, ourselves and how relationships work.

It is so frustrating when you can see a solution to something or view a particular situation in a different way to your partner and they just don’t get it. This type of frustration is the foundation for many an argument.

The killers lurking in your relationship disguise themselves as something far less dangerous than they actually are. As a result, we often misunderstand their power until it is almost too late.

At Startpoint Counselling, we understand that moving out of your comfort zone is never easy as it feels unsafe and in general “Yuk”.

To achieve the things that you want in your relationship or your personal life, you will need to move out of your present comfort zone and make some changes.

In the above video, Tracey Janke from Startpoint Counselling talks about relationships.
We are a relationship based species that means that we seek out other people to live our lives with. Now, we know not everyone in the world is like that, but the majority are.
Everything that we know about relationships is based on observation. We observe what happens in